Friday, October 14, 2016

Shocked to know I have Diabetes

Both my parents did not even suffer from blood pressure problems, leave alone diabetes. They were slim and trim and very careful about their food habits. I learnt my lessons on good eating habits ever since I was a child, in my mom's kitchen. She was finicky about using the freshest vegetables, best grocery and so on. Coming from a Maharashtrian home, our food was simply made, with simple tadkas. However, as I became a teenager, got married, had children, became a journalist, did a lot of socialising thanks to being in the media and a husband who has a good social circle, the simplicity of eating grew into complex eating - meaning indulging at parties, popping food more for taste than hunger, sometimes even sipping wine, for that social elegance. My mom would always be after me -  what are you doing? You are going to spoil your health in the long run.'' I would sneer at that, rather be scornful about the fact that she did not change with the times; I did. She would resist eating even when she accompanied us to restaurants - the best that she would have were idlis. I used to tell her - I am living the lifestyle of the era an that she is too old fashioned. Though, all that she said would be stored in my mind computer. The temptations though were irresistible. One of my earlier assignments at The Indian Express was to review restaurants - sometimes, two in a week! Wow, that triggered off the taste buds, tingling for more than just chapati, sabji, dal and rice. I always tried to maintain my weight though and so thought all was fit and fine. Until October 2014, when I was advised to do a blood test for sugar, as I used to feel excessively thirsty. And goodness gracious, I was declared a Diabetic. For two days, I was in a daze - unable to accept the fact. Thankfully (only for this reason), my mother was no more or else she would have sulked and got worried and nagged `I told you so.' I took my reports to my Doctor Friend. She said she will give me medicines but to completely go off wheat and wheat products and milk and milk products. Anything to Drive Away Diabetes, I told myself. Then began a journey of intense research, self-experiments and dogged determination. I had those tablets only for 5 weeks after I discovered I had Diabetes. Ever since, food has been the controller and if I may audaciously states perhaps the cure. Come, join me on this wonderful journey of Driving Away Diabetes. It is so easy. It is as easy as driving your vehicle - only you should be in full control of yourself. Ready? Let's go. 


  1. Fantastic Vinita jee!!
    Looking forward to meet and discuss.
    Suggest to arrange an event...!

  2. I remember one of your Tweet where you mentioned Indian Wheat as being a major reason for multifold increase in Diabetics in India. Can you throw some more light on that.

  3. I remember one of your Tweet where you mentioned Indian Wheat as being a major reason for multifold increase in Diabetics in India. Can you throw some more light on that.

  4. As I experienced, completely giving up wheat and wheat products helped me lower my sugar levels. Dr Pramod Tripathi, a well known doctor who has a fantastic programme of reversal of diabetes said at a public lecture which I attended that, wheat is a no no ever since we imported wheat since the 1970s. He recommended having Khapli gehun or buck wheat. I have switched over mainly to Jwari and Bajri ki Bhakri. Once in a while I have chapatis out of Khapli wheat. Khapli wheat is called Buck wheat in English. You can google to find its good effects.

  5. I too reduced my diabetes nedicines by about 93% following Dr Pramod Tripathi's programme for 5 months. But thereafter could not stick to that regime and from 7% medicines increased to 45%, still half of what i used to take.
