Sunday, November 13, 2016

World Diabetes Day: More than drugs, use the power within you to fight Diabetes

Just relax, there is something called pre-diabetes condition too and the good news is that you can overcome it by diet and exercise alone and actually keep away full blown Diabetes for the rest of your life. In fact, international medical experts advocate that you need your blood sugar levels only once in a year or two years if you are a pre-diabetic.

As per the American Diabetes Association and the UK Diabetic Association, did you know that you are a Diabetic patient when your 2 hour Post-Prandial test shows over 200 and that your are pre-diabetic if it is between 140 and 199? That you have diabetes only if your Fasting figures are beyond 125 and that you are fully diabetic only if it reads 126 or more? I am not saying that you should be complacent, just that you should worry more about your wrong diet and bad lifestye instead of being fearful about numbers. Following are figures culled from both the Association websites.

Blood sugar levels in diagnosing diabetes
Plasma glucose test
Below 11.1 mmol/l 
Below 200 mg/dl
11.1 mmol/l or more 
200 mg/dl or more
Below 6.1 mmol/l 
Below 108 mg/dl
6.1 to 6.9 mmol/l 
108 to 125 mg/dl
7.0 mmol/l or more 
126 mg/dl or more
2 hour post-prandial
Below 7.8 mmol/l 
Below 140 mg/dl
7.8 to 11.0 mmol/l 
140 to 199 mg/dl
11.1 mmol/l or more 
200 mg/dl or more

Results indicating prediabetes are: An A1C of 5.7% – 6.4% Fasting blood glucose of 100 – 125 mg/dl An OGTT 2 hour blood glucose of 140 mg/dl – 199 mg/dl - See more at:

``Preventing Type 2 Diabetes

You will not develop type 2 diabetes automatically if you have prediabetes. For some people with prediabetes, early treatment can actually return blood glucose levels to the normal range. 
Research shows that you can lower your risk for type 2 diabetes by 58% by:
Don't worry if you can't get to your ideal body weight. Losing even 10 to 15 pounds can make a huge difference. 

If you have prediabetes, you should be checked for type 2 diabetes every one to two years. -
- See more at: 

So today on World Diabetes Day, it is important not to fear about your blood sugar levels - instead build up courage and confidence to bring the levels down, through the right kind of diet and a little bit of exercise. Here are 10 motivational tips to change your food habits and lifestyle:

1. You so easily change your clothes, homes and cars. Just as easily, change your food habits. 
2. Opt for wheat-free, dairy-free, sugar-free diet. Instead of thinking about your blood sugar levels, think about how this diet is being advocated by nutritionists for weight loss and being followed by stars who you idolise. Think of how you are going to look younger and fit into stylish clothes once you slim down. And as you do that, you are taking care of your pre-diabetes/diabetes too, Isn't it a two-in-one victory?
3. Pre-diabetes/diabetes is an opportunity to completely overhaul your health, Just like you do spring cleaning for Diwali, do a spring cleaning of body - only give body spring cleaning 12 months of continuous treatment so that it becomes a way of life with you.
4. Enjoy inhaling more oxygen, pump in the iron like they say, through small bouts of exercise - a short walk, climbing up stairs or a hill, Pranayam, 15 minutes of cardio at the gym, dancing, shaking your body, playing with little - think of a variety to activate your body. The pleasure of feeling energetic and positive is all yours!
5. Such a good opportunity to break your bad habits of having too much tea or coffee. Opt for Black Coffee, Green Tea, Coconut Milk Tea, Almond tea,
6. Bring back natural foods in your kitchen, in bountiful. Vegetable juices, Green smoothies, salads, sprouts, fruits in moderation - wow, their colours, aroma and taste will bring joy to your living.
7. Such a good way of not getting confused when you visit grocery stores in malls. Thanks to cutting down on processed foods completely, you will pick and choose only the correct food. It saves you money and gives you that extra zing in your health.
8. This automatic reversal to a simple lifestyle so beautifully makes your day to day living so easy and uncomplicated. You know what you should eat and when and how so you do not indulge in popping food in your mouth every now and then.
9. You automatically become stress-free. There is no stress if you are not eating the wrong food, if you are not eating it when hungry. The body is not loaded so the energy that otherwise goes to digesting your extra food will be diverted to keep your mental faculties healthy and stong.
10. You are start loving the abundance of nature at a time when we have started loving `Brands' that churn out harmful, processed food and we buy it like we have become parasites of the system.
So, come on what are you waiting for? Just keep those blood sugar levels to where they should be, more by switching over to healthy and delicious good food and by being active. Slowly and steadily your doctor will be compelled to reduce your medicines and you may thereafter be motivated to simply get rid of them. Before that of course you have to switch over to this new lifestyle with great perseverance and self-belief.

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