They say, Problems are Opportunities, and this very aptly applies for those who have Diabetes and have to constantly battle erratic blood sugar levels. Being Lazy to exercise, not being physically and emotionally active and turning away from eating the right kind of food for the sake of convenience, is absolutely detrimental to your Diabetes. Popping pills only, does not drive away Diabetes. But yes, if you shrug away your laziness, you will be surprised at the remarkable improvement in your blood sugar levels. So, take your Diabetes as God sent. The body is signalling you to get up and just keep moving. Just shake off that laziness, that boredom and quickly sprint back to life. You can, no matter what pains you have in your body. Just counter them, for remember, most of our pains are psychosomatic so if you tell your mind, hey I'm gonna climb up the staircase, you will, for you can! Remember, only YOU can be the healer of your Diabetes, not the Doctor!
So, today let us get cracking on how to shrug off laziness and blossom ourselves into cheerful, active people - the bonanza that comes along with this, is that you will begin to look younger, smarter and more charming! So, come on, here's what you need to do - all, so easy to follow that you will wonder why you didn't do it earlier :
1. Wake up early: Yes,no more being in the bed after 6 am (I wake up between 3 and 4 a am but you need not follow this). Activity should begin from here. Before you get up from your bed, stretch, slowly and steadily. Please do not give sudden jerks to your body. So, first, in the lying on your back position, stretch your hands, then legs, then hands and legs together, do a clockwise, gentle massage on your stomach. Now lie on your stomach, gently lift up your chest, put your hands under your chin and move up your legs knee downwards. All this, very gently and slowly. Get back to lying in your back position and then gently sit up on your bed. Now, rub your hands against your face, upwards. Smoothly, gently. All this should take 5-7 minutes, Then get out from your bed. You will be surprised how lively you will feel as you go to brush your teeth. The secret of fighting Diabetes or obesity or any other lifestyle disease, is to simply make your body active, throughout the day, till you go to bed at night.
2. No, no to bed tea: Now, you have the choice of having Green Tea or Coconut Milk Tea, If you can skip it and straightaway have your Green Smoothie, so much the better. But I just need to have that piping hot Coconut Milk Tea when I wake up, So, you decide. After that, you need to now move your body to plunge your blood sugar levels. So, come on, now do only 7 to 10 minutes of brisk exercise. Begin with a dance. Put on your favourite music number and just start dancing. Begin from slow steps to faster ones, once your body has warmed up. Most of the songs are about 3 minutes. If you are enthused, you can replay the number. After about 3-5 minutes of this dance, cool down and do stretches/yogasanas that would release stiffness of your limbs and stretch your stomach area - this is very important. As I had mentioned in one of my earlier posts - exercising the abdomen is very important. Hence, Kapalbhati kriya is very effective. Do these exercises for 3-4 minutes, followed by shavasan. If you are enthusiastic to go hill climbing or going up and down the staircase instead of dancing, it is just fine.
3.Do it yourself: This is extremely important. In India, we have the habit of asking others in the house to get things for you from the kitchen (even a glass of water) or something from the bedroom. No, please get up and do it yourself. The more times that you get up from the sitting position and walk around the house or office, you are automatically exercising yourself - an integral part of countering your blood sugar levels, Recently, at a family wedding, I met my nephew who is a doctor in UK. I asked him about countering Diabetes through diet and exercise. He said, that Diet and Exercise are the best ways to counter this lifestyle disease and this is highly recommended in the UK. In fact, he recommended that going out to buy the right kind of vegetables and groceries, bringing it home, storing them properly and cooking burns a lot of calories. So do it yourself, as far as you can. You may struggle initially if you are not physically active, but slowly and steadily you will happily be on your toes. Keeping things in place, washing bathrooms, clearing your cupboards, washing your bike or car, watering the plants - all these are a part of being physically active which aid in beating Diabetes. Go window shopping in malls - this keeps you walking, which is just great as it combines pleasure too!
4. Keep things away from you: Very important and very importantly, just keep your mobile phone away from you. Whether you are at home or office, keep your mobile about 10 steps away from you. Just get up and answer it, everytime it rings. Or check your WhatsApp, send messages, surf, whatever - but go to it and do it. You will be surprised at the physical activity involved in this. Similarly, give yourself reason to go from one room to another. At least twice or thrice a day, do sit ups by standing up from your chair and sitting down again - about 1 to 15 times. You can do this in the office too.
5.Be active after lunch and dinner: Generally, we lie down after lunch. It's good to take a quick afternoon nap (not a long sleep please) but do it about half an hour after your lunch. After dinner, get busy clearing the kitchen/ clearing one of the shelves of your cupboard, go for a short stroll if it is feasible or after an hour of your dinner, walk up and down the staircase for seven minutes.
6.Finally, the idea is to keep moving throughout the day: Like I had said earlier, just the right food or addition of a particular food does not alone help in bringing your blood sugar levels down. Being physically active throughout the day is very, very essential. Like they say, just move it Move your body, keep moving till you drop like a log, in bed, at night. All this will ensure that you lose in inches and in your weight too. You will look smarter and feel brighter. Who doesn't want that? And so easy to achieve, isn't it? Just keep chanting - I will and I can!
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Being Lazy to exercise, not being physically and emotionally active and turning away from eating the right kind of Green Hypnosis food for the sake of convenience, is absolutely detrimental to your Diabetes.
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