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Stretch, stretch, stretch your body to activate it |
That exercise is very important to keep your blood sugar levels at bay, is known to everyone and it would seem silly to write a blog on this. However, through reading and analysis I have come to the conclusion that exercise does not mean only going for a 45 minute walk or doing yoga. It means that you have to be active throughout the day and you are actually exercising through various activities that you go about during the day. Though, the lovely fresh air during a morning walk is exhilarating and can add to your positive and cheerful attitude through the day.
It would interest you to note that (as I have found out), if you eat the right kind of food in the right quantity, chew it thoroughly, do not indulge in eating when not hungry, your digestion process becomes so effective that you automatically start slimming down, get that fat out of your way - yes that one specially in your belly. Thus, even if you spend 5 to 10 minutes a day in the morning for some light exercise, it is just fine. Obesity and that belly (even if you are not obese) is bad, bad, bad for Diabetic patients. Remember, your chest should swell with pride and not your stomach that you make it swell with, inflammation, flatulence and toxins (not only fat).
. Many of us are unable to keep up that 45 mins regimen of gym-ing or walking. As I had mentioned in my earlier blog, my right knee pained for some 1.5 years and thanks to Dr Nikhil Mehta's oil therapy and Dr Sumita Satarkar's acupuncture therapy, it has been healed, meaning I have no pain or limp. However, funnily, I can climb up the Parvati but after about 15 minutes brisk walk I find that right knee getting stiff. So each one has certain physical limitations so we need to programme ourselves in a way that your body is peaceful and not tired and strained due to too much exercise. I have experienced that the first importance should be given to your food and eating habits to combat Diabetes 90%. the remaining 10% should be given for exercise. Remember, most of us get Diabetes, well past the middle age (though junk food has ensured that youngsters get it too these days). So, we cannot do a Jane Fonda or a Zumba to keep Diabetes at bay - we can however control our wrong eating, which fortunately does the trick to a large, large extent. Physical activity through various kinds of activation of body or exercise is important for breathing in that extra oxygen
Very important to remember - you need to exercise, not so much your limbs, as much as your stomach portion. The belt below the diaphragm and the line below your stomach is the most important region that should be exercised. I remember Osho saying that and also whether it is Sri Sri or Swami Ramdev, the accent is on deep breathing and pranayam like kapabhati as they move that region and supply you more Oxygen.
So, here are some ideas to activate your body and you can keep changing the pattern of these exercises which I call activation of the body to maintain your sugar levels. Warming up is very important before any physical activity so you can do a minute or two of Kapalbhati pranayam or stretch yourself in bed before waking up or after just waking up
* Dance for five to 10 minutes to any of your favourite song or music. I always put on the number `Radha teri chunari' from the Bollywood movie `Student of the year.' Shreya Ghoshal's voice rejuvenates your spirits. Dance with your eyes closed and indulge in steps that will not unnecessarily strain your legs, knees or your neck. You can play this number twice, followed by sitting with closed eyes till you get your normal breath back.
* Wash the bathroom. Unbelievable how it activates your body as you scrub the floor (with broom or brush, whatever), scrub the sidewalls the wash basin - it helps you give your bit for the cleanliness of your home too.
* Rigorous oil massage by yourself before a bath: Massage your hands,legs and stomach rigorously: If you have had no time to exercise, before you have a bath, take coconut oil or til oil. Massage while in a standing position. Applyoil on your hands and rigorously massage up and down and in twists too. Then apply on your legs and with massage with your hands as you move up (standing) and down (bending). Then apply on your stomach in a clockwise way. Even if you do this for five minutes, you will hear heart beating fast.
* Use a scrubber when you have a bath - it activates blood circulation. The scrubber made out of dried gourd (tuvar) is the best.
* After dinner, do not go to sleep immediately. Instead clean up one of your cupboard shelves, do some after-dinner cleaning in the kitchen.
* Do not order groceries and vegetables online. Physically walk there and get them. Find every reason to walk for some chore or the other. Instead of a lift, climb up the staircase whenever you can.
* When on the computer, intermittently keep doing stretching exercises (google and find out those that you can do). Walk around intermittently. For this, keep your mobile phone away from your table. Walk towards it each time it rings or you want to send a message. The action of getting up from the chair and going towards it activates your body
* If you are a grandparent - indulge in playing with your grandchildren, carrying them around - do not say that I have done my bit as a parent and now it is time for your to relax. No, God gives birth to the next generation so that you remain young by attending to them. Just keeping up with their playfulness burns your calories and makes you smile. So, come on, become an active grandparent!
* Kapalbhati pranayam can be done so easily. You can get up from your bed, do it and then go about your day. It activates the stomach region. I do it for five minutes at least. Anulom Vilom pranayam ensures more oxygen penetrating into your body.
* Climbing up the steps, climbing up the hill is great at least once or twice a week, if you can do it. If you can't don't feel bad - find other ways. Like I told you, activating that stomach region is so, so, so important.
* Yoga of course is very, very good and effective.
* In the gym, I spend just 15 minutes, followed by 5 min stretches.
* Chanting `Aum' 21 times in the morning is great for that bountiful amount of Oxygen getting into your body.
* Laughter is the best way to activate your stomach. Laugh till your stomach hurts. These days such laughter is rare because we have kept our heads heavy with tension, ego, arrogance and pride. Be like a child and see how you are able to laugh at every little thing.
Earlier, I used to walk the fastest in my neighbourhood garden. Now, I cannot but I seek every opportunity throughout the day to be active.
So innovate to activate your body, so that you can do what suits your physical self and the time that you can spare. Do everything to get that larger amount of Oxygen get into you.
(These tips on exercises are as per the routine I follow and with effective results. Use them as tips only and create your own programme as per what suits you or under your doctor's guidance).
Very interesting and informative.
Prakash Sevekari